To be and to share the Good News of Jesus Christ, witnessing, loving and serving from our doorstep  "to the ends of the earth."
(Acts 1:8)


Become the Good News:

Nurturing faith
Practicing and teaching the spiritual disciplines
Fostering Disciples identity
Renewing congregational life
Developing leaders

Share the Good News:

Emphasizing ministry with children, youth, young adults and families
Doing evangelism
Establishing new congregations
Creating ministries with older adults

Serve from "our doorsteps to the ends of the earth":

Engaging in ministries of reconciliation, compassion, unity and justice.


In accepting our Vision, Mission and Imperative, we affirm our need to:

be an anti-racist/pro-reconciliation church, strengthen relationships among all manifestations of the church;
share mutually and more fully the stewardship of God's gift of our life in Christ;
encourage our growing diversity within our church family and community; and
work with our many ecumenical and global partners to heal the brokenness of the body of Christ and the human community.

Who are the Disciples of Christ?

 The Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) is a community of believers who, through baptism into Jesus Christ, are bound by covenant to God and to one another. Disciples draw their inspiration from Scripture and the Holy Spirit, celebrating around the Lord’s Table the life, death and resurrection and continuing presence of Christ. We proclaim the good news of salvation. We claim as our particular witness the quest for Christian unity as a sign of God’s unity for the human community. While stressing freedom and diversity under God, we believe unity and mission are inseparable; we witness and serve among the whole human family in the interest of peace, justice, mercy and kindness.